Monday, November 16, 2009

Mug Shots

Emily brought home her school pictures today, and now that I have them from both of my girls I thought I'd share.


~4th Grade~

Emily wanted braid waves, so we braided her hair the night before. She's wearing her favorite t-shirt. Its got a funky, multicolored peace sign. She likes a little sparkle. Adorable.


~7th Grade~

Sarah opted for a simple updo. Darling.

I've yet to see Emily's class photo, but am fairly sure I'll know where to find her in the picture... back row, middle. For some insight into the tall girl experience go to my sister's blog here.

I'm so grateful this blue eyed girl got two brown eyed beauties.


  1. Oh, I just love it! Thank you Bell for another keepsake. Your brown-eyed girls are darling! I give them kudos for capturing their sweet essence.
    Love the yellow. Nice pick, Sarah.
    Love the peace. Nice pick, Em
