Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunshine and Cinnamon rolls

Amazingly, the weather on General Conference Sunday was gorgeous, and for an all too brief period of time the sunshine poured into our home. This is something that not just the humans in our house get excited about. Our sweet dog Ralphie will use any means necessary to get and stay toasty warm. Here are some of the tried and true maneuvers:

Sun Spots - these are greatly desired by Ralphie and sometimes disconcerting to his family. During the warmer months when Ralphie is in the yard 'laying out' I occasionally have to look very closely to make sure he's still breathing. I found Ralphie under this bench on Sunday.
Nesting - This is one of my favorites. It's just one of life's simple pleasures to watch a dog scratch and turn and paw and lay down and then get back up to scratch and paw and turn, turn before finally laying down for real. Ralphie has his own appointed bedding in the basement and a little soft thing on the floor in the kitchen where he can lay with his nose pressed up against the heat register. Sadly, in this photo, Ralphie is using Emily's all too available comforter. This is what happens when you don't make your bed. Stinky linens.

Lap Time - I'm a pushover. I know. So is Rich. Being a Boston Terrier has some perks. It means he's small enough to fit on a lap. I usually do blog reading and writing at night after the girls are in bed. Ralphie follows me to the computer and paws at me and begs with his big browns until sometimes I pick him up and love him for a while. He is such a sweet old boy. What a face.

General Conference Sunday brought another unexpected surprise (the first being actual sunshine.) I made my first ever cinnamon rolls. In fact, first ever rolls of any kind. My sister Tatiana has perfected the most heavenly, light and tasty rolls I've ever scarfed. She is so good at the roll thing and I was very seriously considering leaving it to the experts. But Sarah dragged me to an Enrichment Activity where a sister in the ward demonstrated how to make rolls. (Sad when your 12 year old is making sure you get to R.S. "Mom, they said anyone could go and learn!") It was a fun evening and quite comforting to learn how many other women have no clue what to do with yeast. We went, we learned, we were motivated and we gave it a try.

Ta Da!!

We've decided it will be a General Conference tradition to have cinnamon rolls for the Sunday morning session. We're hoping the sunshine will want to join us.


  1. Oh Tiffany, that is so cute about your dog!! :) Seriously, that story brought back many memories of our spoiled dalmatians growing up! AW, I LOVE DOGS!! Those cinnamon rolls look divine! You must give me the recipe! I miss you!

  2. Here's to cinnamin rolls on Conference Sunday! Thanks for making us official tasters...they were devine. We will look forward to Conference now with one more happy reason. Way to motivate your Mom, Sarah!
    I think Ralphie has earned his place in the sun. He's been a good doggie for a long time and Grandma and Grandpa love him, too.

  3. Way to go Tiffany! Your cinnamon rolls look great! I too made some cinnamon rolls. I think Russ almost passed out at the sight. I think I saw him looking for the rhodes wrapper in the garbage. The problem is that now I have proved I can do it, I may have to do it again.

  4. I love your blog Tiffany! Now I can enjoy that special Tiffany wit and humor more than the one shift I work with you every few months or so :) You have a beautiful family!

  5. Yummy! Way to go Tiff! Did you use thread to cut them gently like Mom always does? That's the best part of making them next to devouring them!

  6. Hi Tiffany-
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! We just ADORE Tatiana, and by association I know we would love you. Your rolls look YUMMY! I started making a Sour Cream Coffee Cake when our kids were little to entice them to get up and watch Conference. We changed the name of it to Conference Cake. Maybe you could call yours Minimum Sin Rolls. (That was stretching it!)
    Anyway, thank you!
    Cori Connors

  7. What a fun way to start the morning on Conference Sunday! Are you sure you haven't made cinnamon rolls before? They look like the work of a professional.
